Meet Our Music Directors

Vonnie Houchin


Email: Vonnie Houchin, Director

Vonnie has a degree in music.  In addition to being the Director for Dynamix, she is frequently the music director for Black Hills Playhouse musicals, Black Hills Community Theater productions and Seraphim Theater productions. She is the Minister of Music for First Baptist Church, a highly sought-after accompanist, and a 6th-grade teacher.  Besides her obvious excellence in musical performance, direction, and teaching, Vonnie’s additional gifts include her energy, enthusiasm, humor, ability to bring a song to life via analysis of the lyrics, and her knack of fine tuning each piece to bring out the best in the song and the group.


Linda Snedigar Paulsen

Email:  Linda Snedigar, Assistant Director & Arranger

Linda is Assistant Director and Arranger for Dynamix. She has 50+ years of Acapella Harmony experience, including directing a Sweet Adelines Chorus, a regional coach for Sweet Adelines International. Linda was a part of the professional acapella trio, Different Women, played bass and sang with Calamity Jane 4-woman Band. Linda attends to the “nuts and bolts,” and she holds extra training rehearsals as needed.  Her arranging skills suit the group to a “T” — or maybe that should be to a “TLBB” — for Tenor, Lead, Baritone, and Bass!